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Vosstanovleniye sportsmena Tvoi myshtsy rastut ne togda, kogda ty treniruyesh'sya. Oni rastut, kogda ty otdykhayesh'. Tem kto zanimayetsya legkimi kardionagruzkami, ustraivat' dni otdykha neobyazatel'no. No pri silovykh trenirovkakh otdykh — vazhnaya chast' protsessa, bez kotoroy dostignut' khoroshikh rezul'tatov nevozmozhno. Sostavlyaya programmu silovykh trenirovok, vazhno soblyudat' balans. Otsutstviye otdykha grozit vygoraniyem i peretrenirovannost'yu, a nedostatok — perecherknet dostignutyye uspekhi. Tol'ko pravil'nyye proportsii silovykh nagruzok i otdykha pozvolyayut poluchit' zhelayemyy rezul'tat. Pochemu otdykh mezhdu silovymi trenirovkami tak vazhen Silovaya trenirovka myshts doma eto stress dlya organizma. Pri rabote s otyagoshcheniyami myshechnaya tkan' razrushayetsya — v ney poyavlyayutsya mikroskopicheskiye razryvy, i zazhivleniye proiskhodit tol'ko vo vremya otdykha. Vo vremya fizicheskikh nagruzok rasshcheplyayetsya nakoplennyy v myshtsakh glikogen. Yesli yego vovremya ne popolnit', budet chuvstvovat'sya bol' v myshtsakh i ustalost' dazhe pri vypolnenii obychnykh bytovykh del. Tol'ko otdykhaya, organizm vospolnyayet zapasy energii pered sleduyushchey nagruzkoy. I tol'ko vo vremya otdykha zapuskayutsya vosstanovitel'nyye protsessy. Mekhanizmy vosstanovleniya myshts posle silovoy trenirovki: vosstanavlivayutsya razorvannyye volokna — kletki-fibroblasty zazhivlyayut razryvy myshts i sposobstvuyut ikh regeneratsii; udalyayutsya konechnyye produkty metabolizma (molochnaya kislota); vospolnyayetsya uroven' zhidkosti; nachinayetsya sintez belka. U kazhdogo cheloveka vremya vosstanovleniya posle silovoy trenirovki raznoye i zavisit ot mnogikh faktorov — genetiki, urovnya fizicheskoy podgotovki, vozrasta, stressoustoychivosti i t.d. Tol'ko vo vremya otdykha organizm zapuskayet vosstanovitel'nyye protsessy i vospolnyayet zapasy energii pered sleduyushchey trenirovkoy Kak rasschitat' vremya, neobkhodimoye dlya vosstanovleniya Standartnyy printsip: den' — domashnyaya silovaya trenirovka, den' — otdykh, dlya silovogo treninga ne podkhodit. Posle ser'yeznoy nagruzki za odin den' organizm ne uspeyet vosstanovit'sya — myshechnaya i nervnaya sistema v normu ne pridut. Optimal'nyy interval otdykha dlya kazhdoy myshechnoy gruppy — dva-tri dnya. Za eto vremya vse vosstanovitel'nyye protsessy zavershayutsya i posle takogo otdykha mezhdu silovymi trenirovkami sportsmen sposoben vydat' maksimal'no vozmozhnyy rezul'tat — «superkompensatsiyu». Schitayetsya, chem starshe chelovek, tem reabilitatsionnyye protsessy protekayut medlenneye i vremeni na vosstanovleniye trebuyetsya bol'she. No s etimi utverzhdeniyami mozhno posporit' — vse individual'no. Yesli 30-letniy chelovek poteryal formu, yemu na vosstanovleniye potrebuyetsya bol'she vremeni, chem 40-letnemu sportsmenu, kotoryy treniruyetsya regulyarno. Zavisit vremya vosstanovleniya i ot massy myshts — chem myshechnaya gruppa krupneye, tem bol'she vremeni nado na vosstanovleniye. Naprimer, peretrenirovka ruk sluchayetsya redko, nesmotrya na to chto oni zadeystvuyutsya pochti v kazhdom uprazhnenii. Proiskhodit eto iz-za togo chto massa myshts ruk, po sravneniyu s obshchey myshechnoy massoy tela, nevelika. Etogo nel'zya skazat' o myshtsakh nog i yagoditsakh — samykh bol'shikh myshechnykh gruppakh. Dlya vosstanovleniya yagodits i moshchnykh chetyrekhglavykh, zadnikh myshts bedra trebuyetsya znachitel'no bol'she vremeni. Kak uskorit' vosstanovleniye posle silovykh trenirovok? Vremya vosstanovleniya zavisit ot togo, kak otdykhayet chelovek. Massazh, sauna, basseyn, yoga, uprazhneniya na rastyazhku umen'shayut vremya, neobkhodimoye dlya polnogo vosstanovleniya myshts. Nekotoryye momenty, naprotiv, zamedlyayut protsess. Faktory, kotoryye meshayut bystromu vosstanovleniyu Alkogol' — prepyatstvuyet sintezu belka v myshtsakh. Nedostatok sna — privodit k izmeneniyu urovney gormonov, otvechayushchikh za stress, vosstanovleniye myshts i nastroyeniye. Nizkokaloriynaya diyeta — sderzhivayet protsess sinteza proteina v myshtsakh, iz-za chego skorost' zazhivleniya myshechnykh volokon zamedlyayetsya. Diyeta s nizkim soderzhaniyem uglevodov (100-150 g v sutki) — v sochetanii s regulyarnymi trenirovkami povyshayet uroven' kortizola i zamedlyayet vosstanovleniye myshts. Ещё 3 915 / 5 000 Athlete's recovery Your muscles don't grow when you train. They grow when you rest. For those who do light cardio, it is not necessary to arrange rest days. But with strength training, rest is an important part of the process, without which it is impossible to achieve good results. When creating a strength training program, it is important to maintain a balance. Lack of rest threatens burnout and overtraining, and a shortage will cross out the achieved successes. Only the correct proportions of strength training and rest allow you to get the desired result. Why is rest between strength training so important Strength muscle training at home is stress for the body. When working with weights, muscle tissue is destroyed - microscopic tears appear in it, and healing occurs only during rest. During physical activity, glycogen accumulated in the muscles is broken down. If it is not replenished in time, you will feel muscle pain and fatigue even when performing ordinary household chores. Only by resting, the body replenishes energy reserves before the next load. And only during rest do recovery processes start. Mechanisms of muscle recovery after strength training: Torn fibers are restored - fibroblast cells heal muscle tears and promote their regeneration; end products of metabolism (lactic acid) are removed; fluid levels are replenished; protein synthesis begins. The recovery time after strength training is different for each person and depends on many factors - genetics, level of physical fitness, age, stress resistance, etc. Only during rest does the body start recovery processes and replenish energy reserves before the next workout How to calculate the time needed for recovery The standard principle: day - home strength training, day - rest, is not suitable for strength training. After a serious load, the body will not have time to recover in one day - the muscular and nervous systems will not return to normal. The optimal rest interval for each muscle group is two to three days. During this time, all recovery processes are completed and after such a rest between strength training sessions, the athlete is able to give the maximum possible result - "supercompensation". It is believed that the older the person, the slower the rehabilitation processes are and the more time is required for recovery. But these statements can be argued - everything is individual. If a 30-year-old person has lost shape, he will need more time to recover than a 40-year-old athlete who trains regularly. Recovery time also depends on muscle mass - the larger the muscle group, the more time is needed for recovery. For example, overtraining of the arms rarely happens, despite the fact that they are involved in almost every exercise. This happens because the mass of the arm muscles, compared to the total muscle mass of the body, is small. This cannot be said about the leg muscles and buttocks - the largest muscle groups. It takes much more time to restore the buttocks and powerful quadriceps, hamstrings. How to speed up recovery after strength training? Recovery time depends on how a person rests. Massage, sauna, swimming pool, yoga, stretching exercises reduce the time needed for complete muscle recovery. Some things, on the contrary, slow down the process. Factors that interfere with rapid recovery Alcohol - interferes with protein synthesis in muscles. Lack of sleep - leads to changes in the levels of hormones responsible for stress, muscle recovery and mood. Low-calorie diet - inhibits the process of protein synthesis in muscles, which slows down the rate of healing of muscle fibers. Low-carbohydrate diet (100-150 g per day) - in combination with regular training increases cortisol levels and slows down muscle recovery. »» Link Details |